New information about how much
VANOC will pay for renting Vancouver's GM Place for the 2010 Games was revealed in a court case. The big $18.5M+
CDN figure came out in a case regarding the ownership of the
Vancouver Canucks
NHL franchise. Signing bonuses and daily usage fees of $100,000
CDN are included in the startling figure.
Activist group
2010 Watch had this to say:
"It's very clear that VANOC got themselves severely, severely hosed by GM Place. Why? Because they could. Where else were they going to go?"
Could be worse, remember the Montreal Olympics?
Globe and Mail
First off, the header to this post is misleading at best. The funding for GM Place is not coming out of the contruction budget, which is the portion of the overall budget the province and feds contributed to.
Second - are we really going to take serioudly what a fringe, politically motivated groupllike 2010 Watch has to say? For sure GM Place hosed them, that's obvious. But at least we didn't have to build an entirely new stadium. Part of the advantage of being the largest city to to ever host the winter games is that we have much of the venue infrastructure already...and kudos to VANOC for negotiating using the NHL ice size as opposed to the standard Olympic sized ice. Big savings there.
All that said, according to today's news the deal isn't as bad as you'd first think...
Vikrim, thanks very much for your insights, I appreciate your expertise on this matter.
Are you a blogger yourself?
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